


尼尔森在当地和国际一级的公共和私营部门的近20年的经验,专门从事可持续发展,企业管理和利益相关方参与。Before joining Loop, Nelson was Chief Sustainability Officer of Nestlé Waters North America and the Sustainability Leader for Nestlé in the United States where his technical and business expertise coupled with his approach to relationship management supported one of the company’s most important areas of focus – securing and maintaining social license to grow. Prior to that, Nelson was Director and Leader of Sustainable Business Solutions at PwC where he designed and led a premium sustainability and stakeholder engagement management advisory practice across a wide range of industries. Nelson also has served as Head of Corporate Responsibility at Centrica plc NA, Senior Manager of Environmental Affairs at the Royal Bank of Canada and has held adjunct positions and executive in residence status at leading universities including the University of Waterloo and Ivey School of Business.
