

Bruce Karas是可口可乐北美的环境与可持续发展的副总裁。他拥有超过25年的环境,健康和安全专业经验,并在北美各种工业业务中实行。布鲁斯领导可口可乐北美的环保努力集中在水管理,气候保护和能源效率,包装和回收和可持续农业上。根据他的领导,可口可乐北美和可口可乐公司实现了全球目标,以补充100%的水使用饮料并将其归还自然。Bruce’s team is also responsible for developing the strategy and plans to help Coca-Cola achieve its global goal to collect and recycle a bottle or can for every one sold globally by 2030. In support of this goal, the team works with NGO partners and local governments to improve access to recycling and bring innovative solutions to the marketplace that will help drive a circular economy.